My winter training block is winding down and it will be time to get outside running. This is a summer picture. Right now it has been the treadmill and barbell work a couple mornings a week. I like to train the big lifts to a % of my body weight at a 5 rep max. Targets by the end of March for me at 170# are a deadlift x 5 reps at 255#, 5 reps of back squat at 225# and bench to 180#. I also want to be able to do 10 consecutive pullups. I'm currently at 3 oout of 4, falling short on the bench with just a couple weeks to go.
For the spring I'll drop to once a week lifting and ramp up my running for some May races. In June, will start more hiking in prep for a drop camp elk adventure, provided we draw tags. Another aspect will be more need for more bucks to get away...
I'll share more training with you as I get outside, maybe a few videos. Heck- maybe this should be my next book?