Recent Books
by Matt Breton
With knowledge gleaned from over a decade spent becoming a deer tracker, Matt Breton shares his hunting stories to help enhance the tracking experience for hunters of all levels. More than just a how-to book, these tales of chasing bucks across northern New England will bring you along for lessons taught by failure and the successes that can follow. Included are tips for the specific preparation, gear, and shooting for the deer tracking approach used in the North Country.
Knowing that the story of adventure that unfolds in the snow is the real trophy from the hunt, Matt hopes you’ll take up the fun, challenge and adventure that this style of hunting offers. In a world of participation trophies, treestands and immediate gratification, we can all benefit from the challenge of following deer tracks down a road less traveled.

Upcoming Projects:
More Bucks That Got Away: Stories From Friends
Quest for 200: A Year Long Chase for a Big New England Buck
Bulls That Got Away: Chasing Elk and Moose
Don't Let Him Get Away- A Conditioning Guide